EverGreen Quilters meets every 2nd Tuesday of the month for Community Service. We make baby quilts that go to Peace Health St. Joseph's Hospital for the sick babies and quilts for kidney dialysis patients at the Mt. Baker Kidney Center. We have added the Brigid Collins house and Camp Korey as receivers of our quilts. All members are welcomed and encouraged to participate in this wonderful activity. NOTE: We do not meet for this activity in December.....we party instead!
Doesn't have to be exact
SINGLE SIZES: BABY QUILTS 38” x 40”; Square or Rectangle
60 x 90; 70 x 90; 39 x 75
33 x 66; 54 x 78 WHEELCHAIR 36 W X 40 L (see instructions below)
Doesn't have to be exact
SINGLE SIZES: BABY QUILTS 38” x 40”; Square or Rectangle
60 x 90; 70 x 90; 39 x 75
33 x 66; 54 x 78 WHEELCHAIR 36 W X 40 L (see instructions below)
Enjoy a slide show of some of our members working on community service quilts....come join the fun!
Sept 2023 report: More kidney size quilts are needed
June 2023 report: 20 wheelchair quilts went to KC Help
May 2023 report: 26 quilts went to Camp Corey; 20 wheelchair quilts went to KC Help; 10 dog beds
Apr 2023 report: 15 quilts went to Lydia House; 8 quilts went to Knights of Columbus
Nov 2022 report: no quilts were delivered in October, but many will be ready for this month.
Sept 2022 report: 14 quilts were delivered to the kidney center and 5 to Bridget Collins. The hospital is still not taking in quilts for the babies.
May 2022 report: Seven quilts were delivered to the kidney center. The hospital may start taking baby quilts again at the end of the summer. The box of yarn used for tying the quilts is missing, so any donations are much appreciated. Please no wool yarn....polyester or acrylic is preferred.
April 2022 report: Three quilts were taken to the kidney center...more are needed. Also 15 quilts went to Camp Cory.
March 2022 report: Five quilts were taken to the kidney center. More tops about 48x54 are needed for this facility.
Sept 2021 report: We were finally able to donate some of our community service quilts to the kidney center last month. They accept 8 quilts and were happy to have them.
March 2020 report: We gave away 7 quilts to the kidney center and 3 to Bridgit Collins House. We had 18 to go to SJH, but they declined due to a new rule about not accepting "homemade" items because of the Coronavirus. We'll hold them til it's all clear.
February 2020 report: Due to no meeting in Dec (Xmas party) or Jan (snow and ice) no activity has taken place. Please bring what you've made at home and join in February meeting.
December 2019 report: 6 baby quilts were completed and will be delivered with the January quilts.
October 2019 report: 26 quilts were given away the end of September. 13 at the hospital for the babies; 12 at the kidney center; 1 at Brigid Collins House. Our recipients are always excited to receive them and give them to those who can use such a thoughtful gift. Three more quilts were donated by Fran M.:
September 2019: more tops were made at home to bring to workshop:
August 2019 report: 13 baby quilts were delivered to the hospital, 5 kidney quilts to the kidney center, and 3 quilts to Brigid Collins house. Thank you to all members who worked on these quilts!
July 2019 report: 9 baby quilts and 2 kidney quilts made in June and will be delivered with the July bunch.
June 2019 report: 16 baby quilts and 2 kidney quilts were delivered in the past month
May 2019 report: 6 baby quilts and 2 kidney quilts were made in April and will be delivered soon!
March 2019: Here are some quilt tops made by members during our snowy February days for community service:
January 2019: We will be gearing up for more quilts to be made this month now that the holidays are over. Here are more quilts made and donated by long time member Fran M.:
November 2018 report: 24 quilts in all were delivered in October. 10 went to the kidney center and 14 to the hospital neonatal center.
October 2018 report: no quilts delivered this month again due to limited activity. Note: Community Service in October will be on Thursday Oct 11 instead of the 9 due to limitations with the church. We will meet in the back quilting room.
Several quilt tops were made at home by members:
Several quilt tops were made at home by members:
Sept 2018 report: no quilts delivered due to our meeting cancelled due to church needing the space. Many quilts were worked on at home and will be finished this month. A significant amount of fabric has been donated for community service quilts which were bundled in groups to make some wonderful quilts. More tops were donated by members:

Aug 2018 report: total of 18 quilts delivered
10 baby quilts to St. Joes
6 to the kidney center
2 to Brigit Collins house
10 baby quilts to St. Joes
6 to the kidney center
2 to Brigit Collins house
July 2018 - In June, 7 baby quilts and 1 kidney quilt was donated locally. The community service committee is need of more fabric to use as backs for the baby quilts. Flannel is not needed until winter, so cotton is desired right now. Thanks to all who donate time and materials for these quilts!
May 2018
March 2018 -more tops made for community service
18 quilts were delivered in April. 4 of them were for babies, and 12 for kidney patients. More baby quilts needed!!
A total of 10 quilts were given away in March. 7 went to the Kidney Center and 3 for babies at the Hospital. More tops were donated in April.
October 2017 - more tops made for community service
In October we donated 15 quilts to the hospital for the babies, 3 to the kidney center, and 2 to Brigid Collins house for children in need of some comfort.
April 2016 - Members make lots of quilts to donate for community service