Friendship block for Nancy L. - String quilt block - due April 2024
Friendship block for Nancy W. - due Dec 2023
Friendship block for Debby W. - No Name - due August 2023
Friendship Block for Nancy B. - Square in a Square - due June 2023
Friendship Block for Merdie M. - Around the Square - due April 2023
Friendship Block for Dianna S. - Framed 4-patch - due February 2023
Friendship Block for Laura V. - Chandelier - due Dec 2022
Friendship Block for Pam N. -Yankee Puzzle -due Oct 2022
Friendship Block for Caroline D. - due Aug 2022
Friendship Block for Rebecca B. - due Jun 2022
Friendship Block for Judy D. - due April 2022
Friendship Block for Anne G-M - due Dec 2021
Friendship Block for Susie H. - due Oct 2021
Friendship Block for Liz Sipes - due August 2021
Friendship Block for Nancy W. - due June 2021
Friendship Block for Theresa B. - due April 2021
Size of Block: 9 1/2" x 8 1/2" unfinished
Fabrics: 1 - 9 1/2" x 8 1/2" square of Oriental fabric - you provide 4 - 2 1/2" cream colored squares - provided Sewing instructions: 1. Draw a diagonal line on the back of each 2 1/2" cream colored square 2. On the the rectangle of the Oriental fabric, place one cream colored square in each corner, right sides together; sew along the diagonal line. Trim seams to 1/4". Please return your completed blocks at the monthly drive through drop off the 4th Tuesday of March or April. can mail your block directly to Theresa before the end of April. If you do mail, please email Deb W. to let her know for the records. |
Friendship Block for Virginia K. - due February 2021
You can request a packet from Debbie W. which contains instructions and fabric from Virginia.
Size of block: 5" unfinished. You will make 4 separate 5" blocks Fabrics: 2 3/4" squares - provided 5" squares - you provide. Please use a small print or tone on tone colored fabric. You can make all 4 squres using the same fabric or each square in a different fabric, or two and two. Cutting Instructinos: Cut 4 - 5" squares of fabric Sewing Instructions: Use the Stitch and Flip Method: 1. Place a 2 3/4" square, right sides together, in the corner of a 5" print square. Orient marked diagonal as illustrated in top photo. 2. Sew on the marked diagonal. Trim 1/4" away from the sewn line. 3. Flip triangle out and press seams open. 4. Repeat with the opposite corner. DO NOT SQUARE! VIRGNIA WILL SQUARE. You will have 4 separate 5" squares. DO NOT sew together. Please return the square on or before February 9, 2021. We may have a drive by day at the church to drop them off, or you can mail them directly to Virginia. If you mail them, please notify Debbie W. so she can mark that for her records and give you credit. |
Friendship Block for Marilyn D-R - Double Pinwheel or Windmill -due December 15, 2020
Marilyn is providing all needed fabric for this project. If you did not get a packet on Oct 13 parking lot drive by, please contact Marilyn to arrange for getting a packet from her. The packet also has "Thangles" patterns to ensure that all the half square triangles are the same size. Please make sure you use a 1/4" seam allowance so all blocks will fit together. All fabric has been pre-cut so all you need to do is sit and sew! You will find 3 sets of Thangles. Two will be used in the block, and the other will be used for the border.
It is best to sew the Thangles first on the dotted line, then cut on the solid line. Please make sure you square up the half square triangles to 4 1/2" unfinished. The Thangle says 4", but that is finished size, make sure you do not cut them too small. Press toward the print. If you have questions, please call or email Marilyn before cutting! Note that the solid batik fabric is in the corners. There are no fabrics the same touching in the block. Please lay out the block as in the photo. |
Friendship Block for Jo B. - "Snail's Trail" - due May 5, 2020
Friendship Block for Jo H. - "Zen"- due April 7, 2020
Fabric: Batiks -- blues to greens, turquoises for the basic fabric color read
Block Size: unfinished 7" x 10 1/2" Materials: One light value batik (blue to green range) One dark value batik (blue to green range) Block Assembly: Cut: #1 batik: 2 - 3" x 10 1/2" rectangles 2 - 2" x 2 1/2" rectangles 2 - 2" x 1 1/4" rectangles #2 batik: 3 - 2" x 2" squares Sewing: Referring to Diagram 1, sew together batik rectangles in the order shown to form a pieced row. Press seams in one direction. Referring to Diagram 2, add batik 3"x10 1/2" rectangles to the long edges of the pieced row to make the block. Press seams away from the pieced row. The unfinished block should measure 7"x 10 1/2" If possible, please include a 7"x10 1/2" rectangle of the second batik fabric. A signature block will be provided at the meeting for all contributors to sign. |
Next friendship block will be for Joan K. - Shooting Star - due May 2019
Joan handed out the light fabric which were all taken at the March & April meetings. If you are interested in making a block for her, you can contact her directly for the light fabric and pattern. She would like bright batiks for the other fabric.
Friendship block for Sue P. - due July 2018
Friendship Block for Jan S. -
handed out Oct 2017 - due Nov/Dec
Heartwheel Block (8 1/2" unfinished)
Greens, yellows, pinks, blues. No dark colors. Think baby quilt. White on white for background. White on White fabric - cut: 2 - 4 7/8" squares - cut each diagonally once into 2 triangles each (4 total) (A) 1 - 3 1/4" square - cut diagonally twice into 4 triangles (B) Colored fabric - cut: 1 - 5 1/4" square - cut diagonally twice into 4 triangles (C) 1 - 3 1/4" square - cut diagonally twice into 4 triangles (D) 2 - 2 7/8" squares - cut each diagonally once into 2 triangles (E) To make 1/4 of the block: (make 4 of these) With right sides together, using a 1/4" seam, sew B to D making a triangle the same size as E. Make sure the white is on the left side when opened out. Press. Sew E to D side of BD (made above) making a triangle the same size as C; press. With the colored fabric together, sew this to C. Press. Sew the EBDC triangle (made above) to A. Press. Finish: Sew all four of the above squares into a pinwheel. The unfinished block should measure 8 1/2". |
Friendship Block for Jan F. -
handed out August 2017 - due Sept/Oct 2017
6" white on white or solid white square (you provide)
6" pink (provided)
Align white square and pink squares right sides together. Sew 1/4" seam all the way around the outside edge. Cut diagonally twice. Now you have four half-square triangles. Press to the pink side. Sew the half-square triangle blocks together in a pinwheel as illustrated on left. Jan will trim.
Please make four of these with fabric provided.
6" white on white or solid white square (you provide)
6" pink (provided)
Align white square and pink squares right sides together. Sew 1/4" seam all the way around the outside edge. Cut diagonally twice. Now you have four half-square triangles. Press to the pink side. Sew the half-square triangle blocks together in a pinwheel as illustrated on left. Jan will trim.
Please make four of these with fabric provided.
Friendship block for Diane B. -
handed out June 2017 - due August/Sept 2017
4-Patch - 10" finished block
Fabrics: B= black & white print with black predominant with white print* W= black & white print with white predominant with black print* G= medium gray *note - do not use a B&W print that is half and half Cutting: B= cut one (1) black strip 3" wide and about 13" long W= cut one (1) white strip 3" wide and about 13" long G= cut two (2) gray squares at 5 1/2" each Sewing: sew the 2 -3" strips (black and white) together lengthwise, then crosscut strip into 4 - 3" units; turn one unit around and sew to opposite to make small 4-patch sew large gray square to each of the small units ** note the placement of the small 4-patches so the black blocks are aligned on the diagonal. (see picture on left) |
June 2017
Carol D. has requested simple 9-patch that finishes at 5". Each square in the block is cut at 2". Please make them very scrappy. She needs at least 90, so she is requesting each member who signs up to please make 4. You may make more if you desire. She also would like you to sign a label when you turn in your blocks.
Carol D. has requested simple 9-patch that finishes at 5". Each square in the block is cut at 2". Please make them very scrappy. She needs at least 90, so she is requesting each member who signs up to please make 4. You may make more if you desire. She also would like you to sign a label when you turn in your blocks.
given to members in the past
Friendship Blocks made for Virginia K. - July 2015
Friendship Blocks made for Sally S - May 2015
Friendship Blocks for Jo B.
Northwest was the theme of blocks made for Jo B. - August 2012.