2021 Challenge Quilt
Theme: Creativity Magnified
Creativity happens when we humans use our imagination to come up with new and unusual ideas. In the case of a quilt, the creativity might be seen in the design of the blocks or layout, the color scheme,
or in in the methods used to construct the quilt.
Magnification means that we are making something bigger or brighter or more bold. We might choose
just one aspect of a quilt to show magnification, such as size. An example of this is our raffle quilt
which has the half square triangles start out small in the middle and expand as they move outward.
This challenge is meant to be fun, challenge you to expand your horizons and get you out of your
comfort zone. Do whatever feels creative and magnified to you.
The Rules:
1. Size 24” x 24”--no exceptions
2. Entries must not have a sewn-in label.
3. Entries must have a paper pinned to the front of the quilt with the quilter’s name. These will be
removed prior to voting.
4. An artist statement of 50 words or less must be pinned to the front. These will be re-typed so
that all will be in the same format and font. The artist statement should say how the quilter
interpreted the challenge and how they feel their entry follows the theme of the challenge.
5. Entries must be submitted in an anonymous paper bag by the August 3 business meeting. If the
quilter is unable to attend the August meeting, arrangements can be made for a drop off.
Voting will be done by Evergreen members at the September 7, 2021 business meeting. There will be
no names on the quilts, only numbers. Each guild member may vote for three quilts and the three
receiving the most votes will be considered the top three winners and receive ribbons.
All of the Challenge Quilts will be displayed as a group at the 2021 Quilt Show with the quilter’s name .
The winners will be displayed with winning ribbons attached.
Quilt Show Quilt Challenge Chairmen:
Dianna S., Carol D., Anne G-M.